So, I have to admit, it's a little difficult to be optimistic lately. It's been raining here for the past week, and I don't know about you, but I need sunshine. That, compiled with still no sign of a summer job, still posion ivy, and not having seen my boyfriend for three weeks, life could look pretty gloomy.
But hey! There were no dinosaurs or aliens or Jesus sightings or whatever Saturday. I spent my night front row at a Scythian concert. Cute Ukranian men playing Biz Markie on the accordian. Ridiculousness? Perhaps. But I enjoyed screaming like a fifteen year old fangirl with one of my best friends, getting high off of good music and the sweat of dancing in a crowd.
It's insane how much I miss my boyfriend. I'm not normally one to share that with everyone, mainly because I don't want people to think I'm unhappy. I really truly am, and couldn't picture myself with any other person. Also, I just think it's obnoxious when people spend there days posting Facebook statuses about "missing their baby/lover/cutiepie/whateverbleh xoxoxoxo less than three" because honestly, no one cares. So here's my quick rant, because I think I deserve it, and then I will stop: LONG DISTANCE SUCKS B-HOLE I MISS MY BOYFRIEND BECAUSE HE'S PERFECT. okay, done, out of my system. *Siiighhh*
I have some serious sewing to do. So enough ranting and mumbling and sputtering about things that don't matter.
P.S. I became a sell-out and signed up for Google AdSense because I could use any penny I can get so hey, feel free to click on those ads and check out some cool stuff.
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