Monday, September 5, 2011

oh hey, blog, it's been a while...

Sooo, since I updated this last, I've made a few things.

I finally finished this messenger bag for my friend Forrest. It's made out of red and black canvas, with strips of red canvas that I bleached. The inside has a pocket with a "grania_maire original" patch. Here's so pics!

I'm really proud of it, it's the first legit bag I've made (other than a simple drawstring one in middle school home ec.)

Also, I made a dress out of recycled tees. I used four t-shirts (one red, one grey, and two black.) I bleached/distressed the black and grey shirts (as you can probably tell, I'm totally obsessed with bleaching...] The pattern is inspired by this dress. Here are some pics! [Note: the first pic is of a work-out outfit I made out of the scraps. Too bad I'm too lazy to actually go to the gym.]

Next project: Something that isn't red and black! Yay sewingggg <3

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